May 30, 2016

Summer is here and having fun outdoors is an essential part of any great warm Canadian season!

We want to help you make sure you have the information you need to make sure you’re protected while you and your family have fun under the sun 🙂  

We know, we know…  who wants to talk about insurance?  Don’t worry, we’re going to give you the brass tacks on what to look for and where to find it so you can make sure you’re covered.

Not everyone realizes that their toys all need to be insured properly.  Here are some tips and things to consider for your toys this Summer:

Boats & Personal Water Crafts

Boat insurance is a must, as any boat owner knows, but you may want to consider a few things:

  1. Liability insurance does not cost a lot per year, compared to insuring for physical damage, it is a very small percentage.
  2. Your deductible for physical damage might be more than you want to spend on repairs so it might not be necessary.
  3. Be sure you’re covered for property losses on your boat in the event of an accident.
  4. Check for details around propellor damage too.  If you bend a prop, maybe consider replacing it, if you bend your prop shaft, maybe pay the deductible and save yourself a lot of headaches down the road with a ruined lower unit.
  5. Talk to a certified boat mechanic if you have hit something or think you need to make a claim.
  6. You may qualify for discounts if you have formalized training for your boat or personal watercraft.

Trailers & RVs

There is a lot to consider when insuring a trailer or your RV, here are a few of those considerations:

  1. First off, make sure your vehicle has the proper towing capacity, otherwise you might ruin your transmission or end up in an uncontrolled situation, not fun. Here`s another resource.
  2. It might sound like common sense, but you need to ensure you have the right trailer hitch for your trailer, you can check out trailer hitch sizes here.
  3. Are you using your trailer all year round, for camping, vacationing, or just good ol` hauling?  Talk to a Customer Service Representative at The Ostic Group to find out what coverage is best for the way use your trailer or RV.  Get a quote online now.
  4. With Insurance partners like Aviva Canada, we can help reduce your deductible by up to 20% a year by staying claim-free!

There is a lot to consider when insuring your toys this summer.  Your history, vehicle, value, purpose, training received, and the list goes on.  At The Ostic Group, we believe in taking care of our community and making sure our clients have the right coverage for themselves and their families.  Learn more about our team here or start a quote online in 30 seconds!